Take a Pause


It’s so tempting to hit the snooze button and sleep till my boys wake up. But then the day is chaotic and noisy from the second I open my eyes. So I’ve started waking up early to meditate every morning!

Someone I turn to for inspiration is Terra LaRock, who heads up the @mindfulmamasclub. I always reference this example she shared a few months back (I’m ad-libbing in a much less eloquent way!)

1. Name one thing you are grateful for today.
2. Set an intention for how you want to move through your day.
3. Choose one thing you hope to cultivate or learn.
4. De-clutter one space in your home to also free up space in your mind.
5. Choose one relationship that you want to nurture today.

Starting my day with a calm, focused, loving attitude has really helped me be a nicer mama during quarantine. And coffee before the kids wake up helps too!

🎵 If you have a hard time with the silence during meditation, try playing some low-key instrumental music. I love Garth Stevenson Southern Sea or Shao Rong Land of Woods and Waters🎵