Newborn Music Class

Ages: 0-crawling

Being a new mom can feel isolating and overwhelming. The act of singing has been shown to increase endorphins and decrease stress hormones. We’ll focus on creating a community of support for new moms, as well as deepening the connection with your newborn through music.

This class will be a mix of:

- group singing (to improve mood and strengthen the sense of community with other new moms)

- instrument play and interactive music activities (to stimulate and bond with baby through sound, touch, and eye contact)

- music & relaxation (to give mom a much needed break and decrease postpartum anxiety)

- baby massage paired with simple songs (to help baby relax and deepen your bond)

This class is a fun, relaxed atmosphere focusing on both mom and babies’ needs.

Come have fun, meet new moms who can turn into lifelong friends, and connect with your baby in ways that can also be used at home!

Music For Pregnancy

Healing Notes Prenatal Music Bonding Class is a 5-week program offered to mothers-to-be in their 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Through a variety of different musical activities, we will create a calm and nurturing space for your baby while they are making their home within you; as well as deepen the special emotional bond you share with your unborn baby.


Learn how your singing voice, along with specific movements, can stimulate your baby and strengthen the bond that you feel when your baby moves to musical cues.


We will sing simple lullabies and special melodies that your baby will learn to recognize more and more each time they hear it. You can even use these songs after baby is born to continue strengthening your bond and comfort your little one!


Set to live music, we will work on relaxation techniques coupled with guided imagery that will help to create a calm, stress-free environment for the growing life inside you.


Learn how to gently and safely use musical instruments to stimulate your baby in utero and enable you to connect to their physical movements.