Lullabies and Your Baby


Lullabies are so simple, yet they hold so much power.

They engage baby and teach them that music is something that can be created and shared between two people. They can also help babies begin to learn the basics of language and math through watching the words form on your lips, and hearing the different tones and pitches.

Because music stimulates so many different parts of the brain, it has been found that babies who are sung to consistently have longer attention spans. And they learn to speak sooner because the music is creating new neural pathways in the brain. This helps with memorization, sequencing, and patterning our thoughts- all important skills for learning!

Lullabies are also important because of the bond they create. If you consistently sing your baby the same song, they will learn to associate that particular song with you. This creates a feeling of dependability, connection, and love.