How To Write a Simple Lullaby


1. Pick a nursery rhyme (or any simple song, really) that you know well
2. The song should either spark joy, or be neutral. You shouldn’t pick a song that has any negative emotional connections for obvious reasons🙄
3. Hum or sing the song on “doo” or “dum” over and over until you have disassociated the original lyrics.
4. Get creative! Think of words or phrases that relay the message you want to send to your baby, and start plugging in words where they seem to fit and rhyme.
5. Keep it simple! You don’t have to rewrite the entire song. You can leave words and phrases from the original song in your new version!

My example of simple lyric substitution in a well-known song! Head to my Instagram Profile to check out the video @healingnotesmusictherapy
